Welcome to Al Hashem Marble

  • Marble

    Marble has been valued for thousands of years for its rich palette of beautiful colors.

  • Granite

    Granite started as liquid magma from the depths of the earth.

  • Mosaic

    We can transform into Artwork any Design , Painting , Portrait , Landscape , Picture ….


  • Stone Installation

    From small Villas to large-scale projects, we professionally supply and install marble, granite, reconstituted and mosaic tiles to meet client’s

  • Stone Finishing

    Whatever the stone finish required, we are capable of professionally and efficiently applying the different finishes from Polished to Flamed, Honed,

  • Cut-to-Size

    No matter what size and shape your stone is, we cut and finish natural and reconstituted stone to meet design and building requirements. Thanks to

  • Water Jet Technology

    Water Jet cutter, is an industrial tool capable of cutting a wide variety of material using very high-pressure jet water, or a mixture of water and

  • Project Management

    From Initiation phase to Planning, Execution, Monitoring & Controlling and finally Closing the project; we professionally use best project management


Al Hashem Location

P.O.Box 941 Abu Dhabi, UAE
Tel: +971 2 5515700
Fax: +971 2 5515070
Web: www.ahmc.ae
